Fight future battles before they start:
This is where my specific views on exactly how to secure America’s Constitutional rights differ from most. Where many would merely stage a massive and peaceful rally in the hopes of making a tremendous spectacle for all the major news outlets to carry, I know the results aren’t always going to sway political opponents’ views. Instead, I believe more cunning methods and techniques can be applied to efficiently shape the political & anti-gun climate on American soil – much in the way our military and intelligence communities do in foreign countries. Why wait until that 24-year-old tree-hugging hippie is an enemy of the 2nd Amendment, when you could have changed his, her or "its" position on the subject years prior?
As it stands now the NRA membership hasn't an inkling as to what the NRA BOD and it's committees/sub-committees do. A majority of them accomplish a great deal; others seem to spend money on fruitless projects where contractors charge the NRA exorbitant amounts of money for "services." At times the solid members of the BOD bring up these issues in committee meetings. However, they are often voted down by the NRA's swamp monsters. The general NRA membership should have full visibility on what their BOD is doing at all times. The BOD works for the members, not the other way around.
End the junk mail and spam calls:
Many years ago after I shelled out hundreds of dollars to become a life member, I received a call no less than two weeks later asking for $25.00. I was pissed. A lot of you are sick and tired of the NRA's endless shakedown, especially the way they go about it. I'd like to explore a more sensible way to go about collecting funds that doesn't piss off the membership base. Other large charitable organizations have this down to a science, why shouldn't the NRA?
Made In America:
The NRA gives away tens of thousands of "free gifts" each year. Have you ever wondered why they are all made in China? I'd like to put forth plans to ensure all gifts, patches, and merchandise in their NRA on-line stores are MADE IN THE USA. It's the American thing to do!
This is where my specific views on exactly how to secure America’s Constitutional rights differ from most. Where many would merely stage a massive and peaceful rally in the hopes of making a tremendous spectacle for all the major news outlets to carry, I know the results aren’t always going to sway political opponents’ views. Instead, I believe more cunning methods and techniques can be applied to efficiently shape the political & anti-gun climate on American soil – much in the way our military and intelligence communities do in foreign countries. Why wait until that 24-year-old tree-hugging hippie is an enemy of the 2nd Amendment, when you could have changed his, her or "its" position on the subject years prior?
As it stands now the NRA membership hasn't an inkling as to what the NRA BOD and it's committees/sub-committees do. A majority of them accomplish a great deal; others seem to spend money on fruitless projects where contractors charge the NRA exorbitant amounts of money for "services." At times the solid members of the BOD bring up these issues in committee meetings. However, they are often voted down by the NRA's swamp monsters. The general NRA membership should have full visibility on what their BOD is doing at all times. The BOD works for the members, not the other way around.
End the junk mail and spam calls:
Many years ago after I shelled out hundreds of dollars to become a life member, I received a call no less than two weeks later asking for $25.00. I was pissed. A lot of you are sick and tired of the NRA's endless shakedown, especially the way they go about it. I'd like to explore a more sensible way to go about collecting funds that doesn't piss off the membership base. Other large charitable organizations have this down to a science, why shouldn't the NRA?
Made In America:
The NRA gives away tens of thousands of "free gifts" each year. Have you ever wondered why they are all made in China? I'd like to put forth plans to ensure all gifts, patches, and merchandise in their NRA on-line stores are MADE IN THE USA. It's the American thing to do!